
Only for ECCE 2018 participants

Full Paper (extended accepted abstracts) might be published in Journals:

Journal «Psychology in Russia: State of the Art»

Journal «Psychology in Russia: State of the Art»

Established in 2008, the Russian Psychological Society’s Journal «Psychology in Russia: State of the Art» publishes original research on all aspects of general psychology including cognitive, clinical, developmental, social, neuropsychology, psychophysiology and methodology of psychological science.

The journal is issued quarterly in English.

The journal builds upon theoretical foundations laid by the works of Vygotsky, Luria and other Russian scientists whose works contributed to shaping the psychological science worldwide, and welcomes international submissions which make major contributions across the range of psychology, especially appreciating the ones conducted in the paradigm of the Russian psychological tradition.

«Psychology in Russia: State of the Art» is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), PsycINFO.

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